

Who is Plum Energy Group?

Plum Energy Group is the product of years of business development efforts in various industries, including banking, real estate, and telecommunications.  I have spent the last decade in the conferencing and collaboration space, building a successful team of agents and value-added resellers across the US and Canada.  In my current role as director of business development, I oversee all wholesale and retail sales efforts.   If you are the least bit interested, you can learn a little bit more about how I spend my days by visiting  For me, Plum Energy Group represents the culmination of almost 25 years of entrepreneurial spirit coupled with the professionalism of a well-run corporate infrastructure.

Why Energy?

Two words:  “Residual income.”  As the corporate provider of collaboration services for my network of independent telecom agents, I have witnessed, first hand, the income potential derived from a residual income compensation model.  Much like insurance agents, those willing to invest in their career were rewarded with an on-going revenue stream from their customer base for months, or even years, to come.  They stopped trading time for money.

But, there are many industries that afford the opportunity to build a residual income base… why energy?  This is simply a matter of timing.  The energy industry is currently undergoing deregulation, which is allows consumers to go direct and choose the company that produces energy, while still having that electricity delivered to you across the poles and wires, and pipelines for natural gas, by your current utility provider.  What does this mean?  Consumers can now save money on the supply portion of their monthly energy bills, without changing utility companies.  Even better, it costs nothing to make this change!

Currently, not even half of the US has been deregulated.  This represents a wild frontier of business opportunity.  Much like the deregulation of the telecom industry in 1984, the ability of other providers to provide services fueled competition and ensured consumers were afforded choices.  Warren Buffet has been quoted as saying that energy deregulation will result in the largest transfer of wealth in US history.   Today, millions of people have the freedom to choose an alternative energy supplier, but they have not yet exercised this option.  That is where we come in… Plum Energy Group is an independent representative of North American Power.

Why North American Power?

I spent the better part of a year researching various energy options… initially focusing on a conventional commercial energy suppliers.  After getting sidetracked for several months, I received a call from a friend who had gotten involved with an energy company.  This was the spark that I needed to rekindle my plans to enter the energy space.

I spent the next month researching every available option.  See below for the checklist that I used to evaluate my options.  This research led me to North American Power.  Again, why North American Power?  Simple… this was not a marketing company, or a multi-level-marketing company, more specifically.  NAP is an energy company with a unique sales strategy.  NAP energy brokers earn revenue in several ways, but I won’t get into the details here.  The key differentiator for me was that I had the ability to earn a healthy residual income based on my customers’ energy usage, not solely on recruiting others to sell these services to their friends and family.  NAP afforded me the flexibility to grow the business as I saw fit.

Based on my telecommunications career, I knew the power of residual income and I had experience building a successful organization of sales professionals.  NAP was the only company that fit this model.  One key differentiator… they do not charge you a monthly fee for the website they provide for you to market your business.  It simply did not make sense to me that a company would charge me to market their services… shouldn’t it be the other way around?   In addition, the powerful on-line back office to track your business in real-time, was provided at no charge.  With all of these unique aspects of NAP, I was sold.

North American Power is now one of the fastest growing energy companies in the country.  NAP now has over 100,000 customers and 10,000 energy brokers, all in the first year of business.

More information can be found on my broker site at  You can also feel free to call me with any questions on 302-514-PLUM (7586) or email

My Checklist when Analyzing Energy Companies:   NAP results are indicated.

Competitive Compensation on Actual Usage (not just recruiting)?    Yes

Energy Supplier (not solely a marketing company)?    Yes

Green Energy Options?    Yes

Residential Footprint?    MD, PA, CT, and others pending

Commercial Footprint?    Yes  (currently 15 states)

Professional Appearance?    Yes  (

Online Customer Application?    Yes

Customer Contract Required?    No

Customer Application Fee?    No

Customer Cancellation Fee?    No

North American Power, though only in existence since March 1, 2010, was the choice for me.  More information can be found on my broker site at  You can also feel free to call me with any questions on 302-514-PLUM (7586) or email

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